Gabi O'Rourke & Andrew Snead | How We Do Youth & Kids Ministry

Gabi O'Rourke & Andrew Snead | How We Do Youth & Kids Ministry

Episode 35: Welcome back to Talking Church! We are joined today by Pastor Gabi O'Rourke, our Lead Youth Pastor, and Andrew Snead, our Lead Go Kids Pastor, who break down their areas of Next Gen Ministry, and how we run our Next Gen play here at River Valley. Gabi & Andrew dive into the similarities and differences of their ministries, and they share the practical side of their ministries, as well as what is on their minds as they look toward the future of Next Gen ministry that lies ahead of us!
Episode 35: Welcome back to Talking Church! We are joined today by Pastor Gabi O'Rourke, our Lead Youth Pastor, and Andrew Snead, our Lead Go Kids Pastor, who break down their areas of Next Gen Ministry, and how we run our Next Gen play here at River Valley. Gabi & Andrew dive into the similarities and differences of their ministries, and they share the practical side of their ministries, as well as what is on their minds as they look toward the future of Next Gen ministry that lies ahead of us!

Here is the link to the "We Are" resources that Pastor Andrew discussed in the episode!

And here is the link to our Kids Ministry Resources on Open Network!
River Valley Church